Coaches and Teaching Partners,
Please join us for a cohort opportunity! We are creating a small community of coaches and teaching partners who would like to meet on a regular basis to learn from each other as we are all in roles that support educators.
Our group will determine the key topics to focus on but may include coaching moves, what’s trending now (current and responsive to our daily work), supporting early career educators, coaching for equity, addressing collective trauma, and strategies for accelerating learning.
We are planning to meet every 6 weeks, in a virtual setting, with lots of time to develop connections and network within our community.
Our first meeting will be Thursday, November 4th from 6:00-7:00pm on Zoom. Future dates will be agreed upon by the member. Ready to commit? Click here to register! Please note: this opportunity is for Learning Forward Colorado Members. Not a member? We’d love to have you, join now!
Questions? Please contact Nicole Burrell [email protected]